Starr & Varilek Angus Bull Sale
Friday, December 13th at 1:00 PM
Contact Duke (605) 680-3780 or Tess (605) 680-1865
Sale Order | Click Here updated**
Sale Catalog | Click Here
Videos | Click Here
Sale Location | Platte Livestock Market - Platte, SD
Salebarn Phone | 1-800-337-2655
Auctioneer | Brad Veurink
Lunch | Please join us for lunch ahead of the sale.
Click here to see the videos of the bulls.
Hauling Discount | Take your bull home the day of the sale and receive:
• Wintering & Delivery: We will take the bulls home from the sale and winter them until the first of April. Free delivery within 250 miles. We will work with the customer on the delivery. If the customer cannot take the bull when we start delivering, we will charge $3.00/day to care for the bull.
• Bull Guarantee: All bulls selling are personally guaranteed for the first 60 days after you turn a bull out for the breeding season. If a problem arises, call immediately. We will provide a loaner bull if one is available and/or give the customer future credit less the salvage value of the bull. Bulls are not guaranteed against death.
• Volume Discount: Buy 3 or more bulls and receive $100 off each bull after the purchase of 3.
(eg. 3 bulls = $100 discount, 4 bulls= $200 discount, 5 bulls=$300 discount, etc.)
• Herd Health: The cattle have been on a complete health program. The bulls are semen checked and come with health certificates from East River Veterinary Clinic.
Online Auction - Watch and bid live | CattleUSA
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You have now sent your information to Platte Livestock. The auction will now be able to find you in their database and approve you to buy. Your information will be forwarded to Platte Livestock only. If you have already been approved previously to buy at Platte Livestock, you will be able to bid at the Starr & Varilek Angus sale.
Contact Platte Livestock 1-800-337-2655 or Tess Starr 605-680-1865 for assistance to be able to use CattleUSA. We can sure help you walk through each step.